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4-Day Intensive
Microblading & Machine

Training & Apprenticeship Program

This course will give you the most broad knowledge of cosmetic tattooing as well as all of the ins and outs of starting a successful business. When searching for the right academy or institute to invest in, it is crucial to do your homework. Although there are many choices out there, chose the one that is best for you. The theory behind this service can be taught by anyone. The art however, can not. 

I cannot stress enough how important it is to see photos of your INSTRUCTORS work. Both fresh and healed results. If they cannot provide examples of work that their own hands have created, RED FLAG.

This program includes a very unique apprentice style shadowing days. You will have the chance to study my every move. There is truly no better way to learn this art. 

I pride myself on preparing students for all the speed bumps that they can face on their own after training. I also am always available to my students after the program is complete.

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